I did not set up to be a photographer. In fact I followed the career path of a marketeer after acquiring my BA degree from Deree (The American College of Greece), in my family business. At the early years it felt as It was my only choice. Traditional or flat you may think but in my view it all started in 2007 when a dear friend of mine gifted me a photo camera for my birthday. Gradually, I realized that I was the one who instilled all the happy friends moments -parties, holidays etc- and it felt good- actually great. I always admired those who followed their dream/insticts and so did I.
Naturally curious and eager to learn and experience different photography styles I joined Akto as a student to build all the technical expertise needed for my new career. Maybe it is early enough, but the field that triggered my interest is fashion photography and 7 years after my first attempt as a wannabe photographer, I am very proud to have cooperated with some of the most reknowned Greek Designers and Bloggers.
...but enough of me, i ll let my work define me
Naturally curious and eager to learn and experience different photography styles I joined Akto as a student to build all the technical expertise needed for my new career. Maybe it is early enough, but the field that triggered my interest is fashion photography and 7 years after my first attempt as a wannabe photographer, I am very proud to have cooperated with some of the most reknowned Greek Designers and Bloggers.
...but enough of me, i ll let my work define me